Feel Good, Sculpt & Release.
Schön, dass Du hier bist! Ich bin Melanie, RYT-500 (Yoga-Alliance-zertifizierte Yogalehrerin mit 500 Stunden Yoga Ausbildung). Hier findest Du alle Yoga Videos, Podcast Flows und auch ein paar leckere Rezepte. Viel Spaß beim Umschauen!
NEU: WWY Newsletter
English Content
Here you can find all of my english yoga classes & blog posts. If you’re interested in a private yoga class with me, feel free to send me an email. I have some spots available for fall 2021 🙂
Feel Good
Wohlfühlen, Bewegen, Lockern und ‘mit dem Flow gehen’
Perfekt, um sanft Muskeln aufzubauen und sich stark zu fühlen!
Langsam loslassen, entspannen, dehnen und genießen.
Yoga Flows
300h Yoga Teacher Training with Briohny Smyth, Aligned Yoga | Review & My Experience
Content & StructurePro's & ConsTL;DR | Final ThoughtsI've gone through two Yoga Teacher Trainings with different teachers: First the 200h and the advanced 300h training soon after that. In this post, I share my experience with the 300h Yoga Teacher Training...
10 Min Gentle Yoga for when you’re sick
No talking, only music 🎶 Join me for this very gentle 10 minute Yoga sequence that's great if you're sick, tired, or having a cold 🤧 We're going through gentle stretches for the upper and lower body before we take a gentle rest in...
SPACE 🌌 20 Min Heart Opening Vinyasa Yoga Flow to Reconnect
Are your words coming from an open heart? In Ayurveda, space/ether/akasha is considered the element of communication, truth and acceptance. Join me for this 20 minute Yoga class from Sweden, in which we're aiming to bring space in balance...
Flow into Fall 🍂 30 Min Yin Vinyasa Yoga Flow
Flow into fall with me 🍁 This Yin Vinyasa Yoga sequence is a great class to celebrate the transition into fall or into a new chapter in your life. We're flowing through fluid movements (vinyasa) and long, deep stretches (yin). These poses...
Weekly Yoga Schedule: Welcoming Autumn | Sep 19-25
Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall. - F. Scott Fitzgerald MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayWeekendWhat are you looking for today? Feel Good Vinyasa flows to feel your best. Sculpt Tone & build strength with pilates-inspired classes....
15 Min Silent Express Yoga Workout | no talking, only music
No talking, only uplifting music 🎶 Join me on the beach for this Express Yoga Workout, infused with some strengthening Pilates exercises! This 15 minute Full Body Workout is a great opportunity to work on balance, strength, flexibility and...
Air Flow 🌬 20 Min Yoga Pilates Fusion | Baby Crow & Crow Pose
What about some fresh air and a boost of positive energy in your life? In this 20 min Yoga Pilates fusion workout (filmed on epic Swedish skerries) we’re going to take the element of air and move through a series of exercises to energize...
Weekly Yoga & Pilates Schedule – Sep 12-19, 2022 | Beginner + Intermediate Option
Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle. - Jon Acuff Jump to:Gentle/Beginner Version (10 - 20 min/day)Intermediate Version (20 min/day) Feel free to switch the videos around or choose other one that fit your mood – this is just an option if you want to...
20 Min Full Body Yoga Pilates Fusion for Horse Riders
Do you want to improve your strength, flexibility and balance? Then this 20 Min Full Body Yoga Pilates Fusion Workout is for you – whether you're a horse rider or not! Horseback riding is a unique sport that takes strength, skill and...
10 Min Yin Yoga with a Bolster or 1-2 firm Pillows | Stress & Tension Relief
Yin Yoga with a bolster or 1-2 firm pillows – Join me for this short but relaxing Yin-inspired Yoga Stretch that's perfect for your Morning and Evening Yoga practice! We're flowing through deep stretches and feel good poses that can help...
Everything else
Weekly Yoga Schedule: Welcoming Autumn | Sep 19-25
Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall. - F. Scott Fitzgerald MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayWeekendWhat are you looking for today? Feel Good Vinyasa flows to feel your best. Sculpt Tone & build strength with pilates-inspired classes....
Weekly Yoga & Pilates Schedule – Sep 12-19, 2022 | Beginner + Intermediate Option
Don't compare your beginning to someone else's middle. - Jon Acuff Jump to:Gentle/Beginner Version (10 - 20 min/day)Intermediate Version (20 min/day) Feel free to switch the videos around or choose other one that fit your mood – this is just an option if you want to...
Daily Moves Week 2 | August 8 – 14, 2022
Be ready to pay the price of your dreams. Free cheese can only be found in a mousetrap. Paulo Coelho Saturday, August 13Crunch & Lift 30 secSide Bend 30 secHip Twists 30 secFriday, August 12Rainbows 30 secCircles 30 secScissor 30 secThursday, August 11Boat to...